April 03, 2010

You know you're from a small town when....

1. When you go back to visit, within an hour of your arrival, most people you know have heard that you're in town. Without you ever telling anyone explicitly
2. When your parents and their friends sit and talk it's not unusual to hear stories dating way back from THEIR high school days 30-40 years ago
3. You have credit with almost all the neighbourhood stores, and some of the ones in the 'main market' as well.
4. Any place more than 2 km away is 'far'.
5. Your provisions & groceries are almost always bought from the local store or sabji-waala, who more often than not lands up with his cart right at your door every morning
6. When some random person in some random location of the world asks if you happen to know such-and-such person because he happens to be from the same town as you, the most likely answer is 'yes'.
7. The streets or roads don't have distinct names or if they do, no one uses them except when they really have to write their address.
8. Cyclerickshaws!
9. Seeing an odd horse, camel or elephant casually stroll down your street doesn't invite comment.
10. You mostly shop in multi-local-brand stores in which the shop owner stands behind a counter and pulls out stuff from shelves to show to you. When you don't know what you want he'll patiently pull out every single item from the shelves if need be.
11. The idea of international cuisine is Indian Chinese & at the most - Pizzas. MNC chain restaurants exist but people dress up to go to them.
12. A rickety chair under a shady tree functions as a perfectly good barber shop.
13. Frequent battles are waged amongst the women over the house help since everyone knows where and who they work for.
13 seems a good number to stop at. Would love additions to this so do contribute, esp if you're from a small town. (does that amount to town-ism?)

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