March 28, 2006

streak of madness

I think madness runs in the family. I was convinced that I was the only one whose days ran into one another, nights were days, days were a myth after all and I was slowly losing it.... that is till I saw some posts by cousins in their blogs. I am fairly satisfied now. This weird cousin I have, is my biggest reassurance. ... but then the thought haunts me that he can get away with all his madness because people with Mensa IQ are supposed to be lunatics. i think he fits the definition.... by a long shot.
Thought I'd feel better looking at my sister's post.. but then I ain't the one who's salary's getting doubled. I'll have to pay people to let me work for them.
And that finance exam. .. it's not as simple as not getting the finance gene... that sadist up above ( is he/she/whatever there anyway? that can be another post.. for now I'll keep the faith) decided that i'll get the ANTI-finance gene. This is me giving my finance exam -
i see I have to do 8 out of 11 questions. not bad. choice! whoooop te do. then I actually did the mistake of reading the paper. Should have just followed a friend's philosophy and not looked at my question paper but my neighbours answer sheet.
so this is my reaction after reading the paper - oh f#$@!.
next i have to make major decisions. Not which questions I have to do, but which questions my neighbours are doing. Is PC taking an extra sheet?? phew! he is.. thank god ... he can give me his first answer sheet.bastard. he also knows just one question. good enough.. . more than what I know.
ok so i've written whatever I knew, I've copied whatever I could... now I'll sit and underline some random bits and make the paper prettier. maybe, just maybe the guy is too bored to evaluate it and will look at my nice answer sheet and give me marks.
who am i fooling. he's going to give me a D out of pity.whatever, i'm past caring. Here's my bloody paper mr. invigilator, please feel free to use it to wipe u'r ass.
Tomorrow: open book exam. Time to drink