May 29, 2008

The cold coffee wars.

Onset of summer:
The 'T point' counter in our cafeteria..canteen really...makes a smart move and starts serving cold coffee. A delicious concoction of cold milk, coffee, cream, ice, a dollop of chocolate sauce for good effect and even a bit of chocolate powder thrown in so that we get VFM. All this served in a medium sized, disposable cup for 12 bucks.

Summer is in full swing; temperatures soar as does cold coffee demand:
T point guy is beginning to get demands for cold coffee from 9 am! He's running a monopoly, if he ain't feeling like serving cold coffee then you ain't getting to drink any. Cold coffee is not available before noon and T point doesn't give a damn if you don't like waiting.

Employees get irritable with lack of choices in canteen; a new counter opens; and what do you know - it serves cold coffee as well! Tension in the T Point camp:
New counter guy (he wasn't marketing savvy enough to brand himself) serves cold coffee in a nice tall glass; doesn't adulterate with too much ice but lacks the fancy chocolate sauce/powder combo. On the upside - he's always willing to serve it when you feel like having it. On the downside - 20 bucks for a glass. ouch.

Competition is heating up; T Point and New Counter Guy begin undercutting the competition:
Now T point has cold coffee whenever you want it too! With the chocolate sauce/powder intact. No lessening of the ice though.

Things are getting murky:
New Counter Guy might not know branding, he certainly knows pricing. Its cold coffee, anytime, without too much ice, in a nice tall glass - For FIFTEEN bucks!

As of yesterday:
T point has invested in a brand new set of shiny tall glasses. The cold coffee is available at all times and the price - still 12 bucks.

What will New Counter Guy do?
... watch this space!

1 comment:

026 said...

i like this post..u at least have milk AND coffee AND sugar ANd cold coffee is ICE and COFFEE..anything else would increase the price by a dollar at least....thank your stars...drink as much as you like...