August 21, 2011

Disconnected thoughts on a rainy saturday

I've become addicted to coffee brewed from freshly ground beans. Bye bye sleep.

Currently topping my list of 'stuff I detest' -  wall to wall carpet.

I am suffering from monochromatic disorder  - beige walls, beige blinds, beige carpet and beige doors are about to drive me to do serious harm to myself.

Oh public transport! Where art thou?

Never, ever, ever rent a basement apartment. Ever.

I thought not buying a TV would mean I would waste less time watching mostly nonsensical material on it. I didn't account for Youtube and Netflix.

Die chain stores die! Where is a kirana store when you need one. Free delivery, I miss you. 


August 13, 2011


Though I'm somewhat of a stickler for grammar and don't really get 'da sms lingo whn u typ lyk dis' (I almost gagged after typing that), I think language becomes very interesting and rich when it's flexible enough to include nuances and quirks of a place or culture that the original language just can't evoke.

Some of my favourite examples

chaddi buddy: because 'childhood friend' just doesn't cut it and neither the more accurate but staid version 'known each other since we were in our diapers'. This phrase suggests more than just  people who've known each other forever. It has a faint tinge of subversive activities carried out together, nefarious schemes participated in and endless thrilling childhood adventures lived through.

whattay: This word combines the frank & genuine appreciation found in the phrase 'what a movie/meal/time/picnic/any appropriate noun being praised' with the kind of fervour  that I personally believe is purely tropical or Indian or desi to be more precise :). It adds a more undefinable hence much more appreciated quality to the object/person in question.

first class: this might qualify as Indian English, because while it's not distorted English, what it means is entirely incomprehensible to someone not familiar with the usage. I'll illustrate with an example - 
person 1 to person 2: "How are you?"
person 2: "First class!!" 
which means person 2 is doing great, feeling like a million bucks and is better than just a lame 'fine' or a 'very well'. 
*Note: I think this usage is more common in the older generation, unlike many terms that have emerged from the supposed mess that the present generation has made of the language.

bucket bath: Totally desi. Totally confusing to anyone who can't figure out that showers  and tubs were both not common features of  bathrooms in Indian houses, till not so very many years ago. Very practical, very eco friendly and makes cardio part of your daily routine!

Please do add, if anyone reads this that is. 

**Update: I found this site and realized there are entries for some terms already which is natural.